Thursday, October 16, 2008

Jack, Laney and Caleb I Hoover, Al Children's Photographer

Jack and Laney spent the night with us, and so their great-grandparents came over to see them and brought Cory and Caleb to see them, too.  And, of course, they all wanted to go for a wagon ride, so I took a few shots of them riding in the wagon and having a good  time.  Also, Jack doing what he loves to do--cutting the grass.

Zane's Newborn Shoot - Birmingham, Alabama newborn photographer

There sure has been a lot of babies born this summer.  I've done so many and they are all so exciting and so much fun.  We did Zane's shoot at his grandmothers house and she fixed lunch too, it was great.  We had so much fun taking Zane around the house and getting different shots of him on the furniture.  Here is a few of my favorites...

Brylee's newborn shoot - Trussville, Alabama Newborn Photogrpaher

Brylee's newborn shoot was a very special shoot, because her dad was leaving for Korea the next day.  I know it was really tough leaving such a beautiful wife and newborn baby daughter.  Our prayers are with you and we wish you a safe return home.  Here's a few of my favorites...

Mallory's Senior Pics

I also got to shoot Mallory's senior pictures, she is a senior at Springville High School and is on the softball team.  We went to Morris Avenue to do the shoot.  Her brother, Wesley, and sister, Lindsay, (who was here visiting from Illinois) joined in the fun and we got some great shots of all of them together.

Karrie's Senior Pics

I had so much fun doing Karrie's senior pictures.  We went down to Morris Avenue one afternoon for the shoot.  We went up and down the cobblestone street taking lots of really cool pictures.  Here is a few of my favs.

Friday, September 12, 2008

VHHS Cheerleading Pictures

OK....Vacation is over and time to get back to doing what I love to do. The week after I came back it was time to start shooting the individual and group pictures for all three cheerleading squads at Vestavia.  The shoot normally takes two afternoons, but this year we had to do in three days because mother nature thought we needed some rain.  We still had fun and the JV girls got to play in the fountain while it was raining.  Here's a few pictures of each squad....

Family Vacation in July

On July 12 we took the family to the beach for a week.  We stayed in a wonderful penthouse condo that was just beautiful. Kelsey got to take her boyfriend (Josiah) and Jared and Jessi got to join us for a few days before Jared had to go home and sign the papers on the new house he bought.  We had a great, relaxing vacation and ate and ate and ate.  I'll go ahead and post a few pictures, as I haven't gotten around to editing as many as I would like to.....

It's time to use the new MAC

I bought a new Mac a few months ago and I've been so busy and had so much work on my PC I hadn't had a chance to start on the MAC. So in July I decided it was time to forget the PC and jump right into the MAC. WOW I love the MAC. It is the best ever for photographers, I feel like I've been working in the dark and now the lights have been turned on. I'll admit it does take a little bit of getting use to when you've always worked on a PC, but when you learn it, it is GREAT! I love my keyboard , it is so small and so easy to type on.

My Birthday Present

OK I know this was the BIG 50, I didn't have a party, and it was just another day, BUT I did get some new wheels. I guess it will be my photography car, check it out...

Colton's Photo Shoot _ Aldridge Gardens/Hoover Photographer

Colton lives in Hawaii and was visiting his grandmother, so she called me and wanted to have his pictures made before he had to go back home. Kelsey helped me with the shoot and her and Colton really bonded before the shoot was over. Colton was just as crazy about Kelsey as she was about him. We had so much fun, and his grandfather came by to see us while we were shooting.

Jeadyn's Two Year Old Shoot

Jeadyn is another little boy I've been shooting since he was a baby. He is one of the most fun toddlers I shoot. He is always so happy and has so many fun facial expressions. Look how cute he is in a few of my favorites....

Alexa Kayte's Newborn Shoot

I did Alexa's photo shoot when she was 7 days old. Actually Alexa and Browning (the newborn shoot I did yesterday) were born on the same day, at the same hospital. She is just beautiful and I love that she had a pearl bracelet she could wear during the shoot.

Browning's First Photo Shoot

When Browning was 6 days old I did his first photo shoot. Ohhhh he is so cute and his mom and dad are so proud of him, you could see the joy and excitement in their eyes.